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Winter season is the harshest season in the north areas especially Gilgit Baltistan region, but if you love the winter landscape like snow carpeted land and snow-covered mountains then the winter season is the perfect time for your visit in the Gilgit Baltistan. In the last couple of years the GB government and local community initiated various winter tourism activities, which attract hundreds of tourists and became major winter tourism activities.

In activities include Winter Sports Festivals, in different region, ice skating and ice hockey in different villages. This season people of the region mostly engage themselves in sports and other traditional activities. In these festivals you will enjoy the adventure winter sports, local music, traditional dance and many more.

Trophy hunting is another famous winter package of the area. There are several species of ibex found all over this vast mountain region. With the strict control on hunting some of them is reaching phenomenal sizes offering rewarding trophies to the daring hunters who venture in this great wilderness.  Any hunting trip in this inaccessible area needs careful planning. A number of permits from the local and federal authorities, special import and re-export licenses for the firearms as well as permits to carry and use these inside the country are required. These often take several weeks to process and must be obtained before the arrival of hunting party in the country. 

Why the winter season?

  • Snow-covered mountains
  • Snow-covered lands
  • Winter Sports Festivals
  • Snow Skiing
  • Snow Photography
  • Winter beauty


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